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Out of Work*
Una serie di idee, oggetti, progetti passati e presenti.
Un diario sul nostro modo di vedere le cose
helluva | 2014 | helluva | 2014 |
helluva | 2014 | Visual | Coste Petrai | 2015 |
Visual | Coste Petrai | 2015 | Visual | Coste Petrai | 2015 |
Collage | 2017 | Collage | 2017 |
Collage | 2017 | Landscape | 2017 |
Landscape | 2017 | Landscape | 2017 |
Sketch model | my personal city | 2014 | Sketch model | my personal city | 2014 |
Sketch model | my personal city | 2014 | Fisiokinè | concept | 2019 |
Fisiokinè | plan | 2019 | Fisiokinè | sketch | 2019 |
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